Titre de l'étude : Study on the clinical and psychological profiles of smoker, former-smoker and non-smoker patients with type 1 diabetes
Porteur du projet : Pr Bruno Vergès, CHU Dijon
Promoteur de l'étude : FFRD
Type d'étude :
Objectif principal : The main objective of this study is to describe the profile of T1D patients according to the smoking status, taking into account data including :
● The “clinical” profile: age, sex ratio, socio-educational level, physical activity, duration of diabetes, cardiovascular risk factors, concomitant medical treatments, association with macro-vascular and micro-vascular complications, hypoglycemic events
● The “biological” profile: HbA1c, data from the GCM (such as Time in range, Time below range, time above range, glycemic CV, hypoglycemia), plasma lipids, GFR, micro or macro-albuminuria
● The “psycho-social” profile: anxiety, depression, quality of life, mental burden of diabetic disease